My organization is interested in working with the CAN Health Network—how can I find out more?
[email protected]2022-08-04T11:44:29-04:00Please contact us with your organization's website and how you would like to be involved.
Please contact us with your organization's website and how you would like to be involved.
No. CAN Health’s primary focus is on the growth and scaling of Canadian companies with innovative solutions to improve the delivery of health care in Canada.
Edges identify problem statements and pressing issues within their organizations that they are actively pursuing a solution for, and are looking to procure. The CAN Health team works with the Edge to formalize the problem statement, highlighting the details of the market-ready challenge the Edge is looking to solve and prepared to purchase, as well [...]
A CAN Health commercialization project embeds a Canadian company within a CAN Health Edge, providing them access to a real-world environment to apply their solution. Commercialization projects typically run from three months to one year. During that time, the company receives mentorship from coaches and subject matter experts, and guidance on navigating the health-care marketplace [...]
No. The CAN Health Network does not fund the Canadian companies it supports. Once a company is selected to tackle a challenge with an Edge, the Network provides funding directly to the Edge hosting the project to cover costs associated with validating and further developing the company’s solution/product. As a result of working with the [...]
The CAN Health Network is currently funded through the support of four Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) of the federal government: Ontario Region – Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) Atlantic Region – Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) West Region - Pacific Economic Development Canada (PacifiCan) & Prairies Economic Development Canada (PrairiesCan)
Edges are public or private health-care organizations, such as hospitals, home care organizations, health authorities, and private clinics, with shared challenges. Together, these entities make up the purchasing arm of the CAN Health Network’s Integrated Marketplace. We use the term Edge as CAN Health works directly with the most innovative parts of the health-care providers [...]
The Coordinated Accessible National (CAN) Health Network is a federally funded organization that works with Canadian health-care providers (called Edges), to identify their biggest challenges and match them with Canadian-made technology solutions. The CAN Health Network creates an Integrated Marketplace that enables Canadian companies and their solutions to be rapidly validated, procured, and scaled across [...]
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Join the Network and help us lead the new health care economy
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