An Edge Member in the Network is currently facing significant challenges in staffing, particularly in recruiting and retaining regulated health professionals. Several factors contribute to this issue, however, research suggests that financial instability is one of the key drivers. The financial stress negatively affects staff productivity and engagement, which has a direct impact on patient care.
To mitigate this problem, the Edge member is seeking an Earned Wage Access (EWA) solution for on-demand payment of earned wages. Such a solution aims to alleviate financial stress among employees, thereby enhancing staff satisfaction, retention and recruitment.
CAN Health is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Canadian companies who can meet the following desired outcomes. The Edge Member and CAN Health reserves the right to not move forward with this project at its full discretion and in particular if there are no qualified Canadian companies that can reasonably meet the desired outcomes.
To qualify for a CAN Health project, the company must meet ALL of the following criteria:
- Headquartered in Canada (additional criteria apply for companies not headquartered in Canada)
- Majority ownership of both the company and the solution by Canadians
- Solution at Technology Readiness Level (TRL)>7, indicating actual technology completed and qualified through tests and demonstrations
- All the data and AI models (if applicable) must be hosted in Canada and comply with all the Canadian privacy regulations
- Possess all regulatory approvals required for commercialization, such as Health Canada approval
- Completion of all required clinical validity/unity studies
- No need for policy changes to be widely adopted
- Strong use cases in the Canadian health care system
If the company is not headquartered in Canada or the solution is not majority owned by Canadians, additional criteria apply:
- Independent autonomy over business operations and product development (for subsidiaries, affiliates or distributors)
- High Canadian job creation potential, especially in executive and senior management positions
- Commitment of over 70% of contract value to Canada
During the company selection process, preference is given to companies/solutions fully owned by Canadians, followed by those majority owned by Canadians, and finally international companies with a significant presence and economic impact in Canada.
Problem Statement:
An Edge Member in the Network is currently facing significant challenges in staffing, particularly in recruiting and retaining regulated health professionals. Several factors contribute to this issue, however, research suggests that financial instability is one of the key drivers. The financial stress negatively affects staff productivity and engagement, which has a direct impact on patient care.
By implementing an Earned Wage Access solution, The Edge Member expects to increase the number of applications to open roles and the retention of current staff by 5% respectively, without any additional administrative burden for the HR/Payroll department(s) or team(s).
Essential (mandatory) outcomes:
By implementing an Earned Wage Access solution, The Edge Member expects to achieve:
- Increased number of applications to open positions by 5%
- Increased retention of staff by 5%
- No additional HR/Payroll administrative burden, and
- Increased staff satisfaction
Additional outcomes:
There are no additional outcomes at this time.
The maximum duration for a project resulting from this Challenge is: 12 months.
Healthcare has a staffing challenge. The challenge is even more profound when it comes to recruiting and retaining personal support workers and nurses in a community healthcare setting. Long hours, shift-based uncertainty in schedules, travel to multiple clients and care sites, dealing with challenging patients, and relatively low compensation all contribute to the problem.