Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, there is an increased demand for “N95 Respirators” in health care. Throughout 2020 across Canada there was a shortage or disruption of supply due to worldwide demand, trade barriers and vendor allocations.
Canadian manufacturers were looking to help combat COVID-19 and health operators were looking for a steady and reliable supply of N95’s. As the provincial organization who brings together clinicians and supports centralized functions, Shared Health Manitoba quickly began to look for permanent solutions to support their frontline staff and keep patients safe. Partnering with Manitoba based Precision ADM on their Government of Canada approved Precision Air (N95 Respirator), both organizations undertook a CAN Health commercialization project.
Shared Health Manitoba (Shared Health) successfully fit tested over 500 staff and took feedback from staff on the comfort of the N95 Respirator. Shared Health also created Standard Operating Procedures for donning-doffing Precision AIR, User Wipe Cleaning Direction & Medical Device Reprocessing (MDR).
The entire Precision AIR is developed, made and manufactured all in Canada, early feedback from frontline staff has been extremely positive including around enhanced comfort due to breathability.