Le Réseau de santé CAN est à la recherche d’innovateurs canadiens qui s’engagent à travailler avec nos Edge pour lancer de nouvelles solutions dans le système de soins de santé.

En répondant à un appel à l’innovation, les entreprises canadiennes ont l’occasion d’aider nos Edge à relever leurs défis les plus pressants, tout en testant et en affinant leur produit ou leur solution dans un cadre réel et favorable.

Fonctionnement de l’appel à l’innovation

  1. Le Réseau de santé CAN publie les détails d’un défi prêt pour le marché que notre Edge cherche à résoudre et prêt à acheter.
  2. Les entreprises canadiennes qui croient que leur produit ou solution répond aux besoins du défi peuvent présenter une demande par l’entremise de notre site Web.
  3. Nous évaluons les soumissions en fonction de critères prédéterminés et invitons les principaux candidats à présenter leur solution à l’Edge.
  4. L’Edge, avec l’appui d’une équipe d’experts, dont le Réseau de santé CAN, sélectionne l’entreprise qui, selon eux, répond le mieux à ses besoins.
  5. The final company is paired with the Edge to work on a commercialization project which could run from three months to a year. During that time the company receives access to Edge staff, data, clinicians and other resources such as business intelligence and development. The commercialization project aims to support companies with product-market fit, commercialization and readiness to scale.

Upon completion of the project, should the Edge be ready to move into the procurement or purchasing phase, there is an, open and transparent procurement process. The company is able to leverage the insights gained over the duration of the commercialization project and compete to scale their solution across Canada. Ultimately, CAN Health Network Edges then have the ability to purchase a proven solution, tested by a trusted partner in the Network, while the company may benefit from shorter sales cycles as the procurement process is streamlined across the Network.

Critères d'admissibilité

To qualify for a CAN Health project, the company must meet ALL the following criteria:

  • Siège social au Canada (des critères supplémentaires s'appliquent pour les entreprises dont le siège social n'est pas au Canada)
  • Propriété majoritaire de l'entreprise et de la solution par des Canadiens
  • Solution at Technology Readiness Level (TRL)>7, indicating actual technology completed and qualified through tests and demonstrations
  • Toutes les données et les modèles d'IA (le cas échéant) doivent être hébergés au Canada et se conformer à toutes les réglementations canadiennes en matière de confidentialité
  • Posséder toutes les approbations réglementaires nécessaires pour la commercialisation, incluant l'approbation de Santé Canada, si nécessaire
  • Achèvement de toutes les études de validité/utilité clinique requises
  • Pas besoin de changements de politique pour adopter et implémenter la solution
  • Fortes références dans le système de santé canadien

Si l'entreprise n'a pas son siège social au Canada ou si la solution n'est pas majoritairement détenue par des Canadiens, des critères supplémentaires s'appliquent :

  • Autonomie indépendante sur les opérations commerciales et le développement de produits (pour les filiales, les affiliés ou les distributeurs)
  • Potentiel élevé de création d'emplois au Canada, en particulier dans les postes exécutifs et de haute direction
  • Engagement de plus de 70 % de la valeur du contrat au Canada.

Lors du processus de sélection des entreprises, la préférence est donnée aux entreprises/solutions entièrement détenues par des Canadiens, suivies par celles majoritairement détenues par des Canadiens, et enfin les entreprises internationales ayant une présence significative et un impact économique au Canada.

View open Call for Innovations below

Edge: Hôpital Grand River Date de clôture: janvier 6, 2025

Tracking medical equipment utilization is crucial for ensuring patient safety, cost efficiency, regulatory compliance, and operational efficiency in healthcare facilities. At Grand River Hospital, tracking the medical device utilization and scheduling maintenance of devices in the community demands substantial resources to provide quality care to patients. In the renal unit at Grand River Hospital, the […]

Edge: Fraser Health Authority Date de clôture: Décembre 16, 2024

Healthcare environments are breeding grounds for diverse microorganisms, many of which pose significant risks to patients, staff, and visitors. Pathogens such as influenza, COVID-19, MRSA, and C. difficile can spread through contaminated air and surfaces, exacerbating the likelihood of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), particularly in multibed rooms where close proximity and shared facilities increase exposure. Traditional […]

Edge: Norfolk General Hospital (NGH) Date de clôture: novembre 27, 2024

Hospitals are facing a growing challenge with Alternate Level of Care (ALC) patients who occupy acute care beds despite no longer requiring acute treatment, due to limited community support and home care services. This inefficiency not only contributes to patient care delays but also leads to rising healthcare costs. Norfolk General Hospital (NGH) seeks to […]

Edge: West Haldimand General Hospital (WHGH) and Brightshores Health System Date de clôture: novembre 27, 2024

Triage plays a crucial role in managing emergency department (ED) wait times by prioritizing patients based on condition severity, not arrival time, which helps allocate resources and reduce overcrowding. In addition to the administrative burden, there are cultural and language barriers that delay access to timely care for vulnerable and at-risk populations, impacting equitable treatment. […]

Edge: Vancouver Coastal Health Date de clôture: novembre 8, 2024

The current triaging process for Medical Imaging at Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) and hospitals across the country, is time-consuming and inconsistent, requiring healthcare staff to manually prioritize each request for imaging based on information supplied by the Ordering Provider against National and Provincial guidelines. Limited availability and application of recent, relevant, and historical patient data […]

Edge: Unity Health Date de clôture: octobre 15, 2024

Pathology has relied on traditional microscopy for over a century, but increasing demand for services and a shortage of pathologists have created a significant strain on healthcare systems. Unity Health is seeking to adopt a digital pathology solution, which offers the potential to enhance efficiency and accuracy through the use of digital slide scanners, AI-driven […]

Edge: Réseau universitaire de santé Date de clôture: octobre 9, 2024

Canada faces significant shortages across various health professions, impacting wait times, surgeries, and timely care for procedures. The shortage of human health resources (HHR) has also impacted education of the vital health care professionals, as the availability of the sufficient number of the clinical placements by supervised clinical staff is constrained. University Health Network (UHN) […]

Edge: First Nations Health Authority Date de clôture: septembre 23, 2024

First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) is seeking a cloud-based Lab Information System (LIS) that can record and host data from remote nursing stations (diagnostic sites) and seamlessly transmit it in real-time between the Provincial LIS (PLIS), provider Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system, and HealthGateway (a provincial patient data portal). The solution aims to provide healthcare […]

Edge: Hôpital Grand River Date de clôture: août 15, 2024

Grand River Hospital is seeking a nurse call system for childbirth and pediatric units to triage patient requests based on urgency. The current system uses a call button, making it difficult for nurses to prioritize care. This new solution will help nurses focus on urgent needs while non-urgent requests are handled by childlife specialists or […]

Edge: Grand River Hospital(GRH), St. Mary’s General Hospital (SMGH), Wellington Health Care Alliance (WHCA), and Cambridge Memorial Hospital (CMH) Date de clôture: août 15, 2024

Two major concerns in the health care environment requiring urgent attention are physician burnout and cognitive load. One contributing factor to these two concerns is the significant burden of administrative tasks, which prolong the physicians’ work hours, reduce the time spent interacting with patients, and increase the physician’s workload. To mitigate this situation, four acute […]

Edge: Vancouver Coastal Health Date de clôture: août 7, 2024

In an effort to modernize processes, Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) is seeking to replace the physical whiteboards in its renal care unit with a digital solution. The goal is to optimize the visualization of patient status and operational information (e.g., occupancy), thereby enhancing the coordination and delivery of patient-centred care. CAN Health is posting this […]

Edge: Date de clôture: août 6, 2024

An Edge Member in the Network is currently facing significant challenges in staffing, particularly in recruiting and retaining regulated health professionals. Several factors contribute to this issue, however, research suggests that financial instability is one of the key drivers. The financial stress negatively affects staff productivity and engagement, which has a direct impact on patient […]

Edge: Hôpital Grand River Date de clôture: août 1, 2024

It is well established that improving hand hygiene is the most effective way to reduce hospital-acquired infections (HAIs). However, the ability to improve hand hygiene in hospitals has been severely limited by the lack of accurate, automated and affordable technology to monitor personnel compliance. Grand River Hospital (GRH) is seeking a solution that can support […]

Edge: Unity Health and St. Michael’s Hospital Academic Family Health Team (SMHAFT) Date de clôture: mai 16, 2024

Unity Health and St. Michael’s Hospital Academic Family Health Team (SMHAFT) is seeking a solution to bridge the care gaps in asthma management to create care-efficiency, empower providers, empower patients, and improve outcomes for patients with asthma.  Unity Health is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Canadian companies who can meet the […]

Edge: Shared Health Manitoba Date de clôture: mai 1, 2024

Shared Health Manitoba, on behalf of one of its functional units, Shared Health Research and Innovation, is seeking to establish a non-invasive, equipment-agnostic, comprehensive monitoring platform for its refrigerated laboratory equipment that centralizes monitoring of equipment situated throughout the facility and aligns with Shared Health Research and Innovation’s requirements. Shared Health Manitoba is posting this […]

Edge: Shannex Date de clôture: avril 26, 2024

Shannex is seeking a solution to monitor resident sleep and provide exit-bed notifications to staff to increase the health and safety of their residents and provide a more efficient delivery of care. Shannex is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Canadian companies who can meet the desired outcomes.  Shannex and CAN Health […]

Edge: Shannex Date de clôture: avril 9, 2024

Shannex is seeking a solution that provides mental health support for those on leave and a mental health promotion solution that helps all employees to increase their resilience and provide tools to better manage stress. Shannex is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Canadian companies who can meet the desired outcomes. Shannex […]

Edge: Bruyère Date de clôture: avril 1, 2024

Bruyère Hospital is seeking a solution for navigating challenges with patient transitions from hospital to home, specifically a digital platform to facilitate this transition. The solution should ensure a more informed, supported, and coordinated journey for patients, families, caregivers, and healthcare providers alike, and the ability to pull data across the patient journey through integrated […]

Edge: Vancouver Coastal Health Date de clôture: mars 26, 2024

Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) is seeking a dermoscopy tool that helps with early detection of skin cancers for residents who live in VCH’s long-term care (LTC) facilities. The hope is to increase timeliness of diagnosis as well as reduce anxiety around leaving the LTC home for suspicious skin lesion assessments. There is also the potential […]

Edge: Vancouver Coastal Health Date de clôture: mars 26, 2024

Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) is seeking to implement a Point of Care Ultrasound (PoCUS) device in their long-term care (LTC) facilities to treat residents at the bedside. Access to PoCUS in a LTC setting can expedite diagnoses or rule out serious conditions, potentially eliminating the need for hospital visits. Statistics show that 46 per cent […]

Edge: Covenant Health en l'Alberta Date de clôture: février 28, 2024

Covenant Health is seeking to implement a technological and dynamic staff recognition platform that allows them to increase recognition and reward loyalty, service, and behaviours that align with their Mission-Inspired Culture and Values. Covenant Health is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Canadian companies who can meet the desired outcomes. Covenant Health […]

Edge: Trillium Health Partners (en anglais) Date de clôture: février 29, 2024

Trillium Health Partners (THP) is seeking a solution to strengthen recruitment and retention through the collaborative augmentation of an existing digital solution. THP is looking to expand upon an existing software to develop a web-based app, establishing and fostering the development of mentorship relationships as well as providing resources. The focus is on creating robust […]

Edge: , Date de clôture: février 15, 2024

Covenant Living is seeking a solution that can serve as a resident locating system and a nursing call bell that can integrate several features into one to provide maximum utility and ease of use for all stakeholders. Covenant Living is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Canadian companies that can meet the […]

Edge: Unity Health – St. Michael’s Hospital Date de clôture: février 9, 2024

Unity Health – St. Michael’s Hospital is seeking a solution to detect and assess cerebrovascular pathological segments in venous and carotid segments to confirm appropriate therapeutic intervention. Unity Health – St. Michael’s Hospital is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Canadian companies who can meet the desired outcomes. Unity Health – St. […]

Edge: Nova Scotia Health Authority Date de clôture: février 1, 2024

Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA) is seeking a solution to promote patient-adherence to CPAP therapy and OSA treatment by implementing a more comfortable and effective experience for patients. Nova Scotia Health Authority is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Canadian companies who can meet the desired outcomes. Nova Scotia Health Authority and […]

Edge: Nova Scotia Health Authority Date de clôture: février 1, 2024

Nova Scotia Health Authority is searching for a remote wearable rehabilitation solution which gamifies rehabilitation and quantifies real-time patient data, to promote patient self-management of rehabilitation activities at home, and enhance patient adherence rates. Nova Scotia Health Authority is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Canadian companies who can meet the desired […]

Edge: Réseau de santé Horizon Date de clôture: janvier 29, 2024

Horizon Health Network is searching for a solution which can streamline the procedural documentation process and consolidate the information in a consistent manner, so employees can easily find, consume, and update it, as required. Horizon Health Network is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Canadian companies who can meet the desired outcomes. […]

Edge: Hôpital Grand River Date de clôture: janvier 19, 2024

Grand River Hospital is seeking a solution to address a current information gap and improve patient triage by implementing an upstream, patient-facing pre-surgical history intake tool. Grand River Hospital is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Canadian companies who can meet the desired outcomes. Grand River Hospital and CAN Health reserves the […]

Edge: SE Health Date de clôture: janvier 15, 2024

Saint Elizabeth Health Care (SE Health) is seeking a solution to address the manual and disjointed work of recruitment, credentialing, and onboarding, which are depleting resources (that could otherwise be used elsewhere) to improve both the employee and patient care experience throughout the hiring process. SE Health is posting this Call for Innovation to seek […]

Edge: Nova Scotia Health Authority Date de clôture: janvier 12, 2024

Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA) is seeking an acellular dermal matrix solution for diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) wound care. The proposed solution should help reduce the amount of time and resources required for treating DFUs, while improving the efficacy and successful healing rate of DFU treatments. NSHA is posting this Call for Innovation to seek […]

Edge: Yukon Hospital Corporation Date de clôture: Décembre 27, 2023

Yukon Hospital Corporation is seeking a solution that leverages technology to automate and expedite the collection, tracking, and interpretation of patient experience data, to clearly identify areas of improvement and support the enhancement of care. To qualify for a CAN Health project, the company must have its headquarter in Canada and/or the majority (>50%) of […]

Edge: Yukon Hospital Corporation Date de clôture: Décembre 27, 2023

Yukon Hospital Corporation is seeking a solution to implement an effective and affordable personal safety response (PSR) system that allows staff to quickly alert for support in the case of a code white within the hospital.This Edge is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Canadian companies who can meet the desired outcomes. […]

Edge: Trillium Health Partners (en anglais) Date de clôture: Décembre 29, 2023

Trillium Health Partners (THP), THPS Solutions is seeking a cost-effective, and easily deployable solution to optimize their Holter monitoring process. THP is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Canadian companies who can meet the desired outcomes. THP and CAN Health reserves the right to not move forward with this project at its […]

Edge: Date de clôture: Décembre 12, 2023

An Edge member within our network is seeking a solution to improve their resident care experience and promote resident autonomy by undergoing a digital transition. Currently, most of the documentation at the senior living organization remains paper-based, hindering efficiency, the ability for real-time tracking, and rapid response to resident needs. They are looking for a […]

Edge: Sinai Health Date de clôture: Décembre 8, 2023

Sinai Health is searching for a solution that leverages technology to automate and expedite the current manual, time-consuming, and error-prone process of agency staffing management, to improve both the employee and patient care experience, and reduce the otherwise avoidable costs incurred. Sinai Health is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Canadian companies […]

Edge: Date de clôture: novembre 24, 2023

An Edge in the Network is seeking a solution to automate and expedite their InfoSanté (8-1-1) telephone consultation service, empowering their administrative agents to make informed recommendations for patients and reducing some of the administrative burden on healthcare providers and nursing staff, and better the overall patient care experience from this service. The Edge is […]

Edge: Trillium Health Partners (THP) Date de clôture: novembre 17, 2023

Trillium Health Partners (THP) is seeking a solution to improve awareness of their Insight Health Solutions (IHS) extended healthcare benefit (EHB)-funded health services for their employees. Trillium Health Partners is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Canadian companies who can meet the desired outcomes. Trillium Health Partners and CAN Health reserves the […]

Edge: Trillium Health Partners (en anglais) Date de clôture: novembre 2, 2023

Trillium Health Partners (THP) is seeking a solution to provide easy access and increased awareness and adoption of Insight Health Solutions (IHS) extended healthcare benefit (EHB)-funded services for THP employees.THP is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Canadian companies who can meet the desired outcomes. THP and CAN Health reserves the right […]

Edge: Health Prince Edward Island Date de clôture: octobre 27, 2023

Health Prince Edward Island (HPEI) is seeking a solution to automate and expedite the patient encounter documentation process, without the need for manual transcription or the duplicative work of repeating (re-dictating) what was said during or after the encounter, to reduce some of the administrative burden on healthcare providers and depletion of their resources, and […]

Edge: Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) Health Services Date de clôture: septembre 8, 2023

Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) Health Services needs a wellness solution that can help employees/staff by providing them access to services and experts in all areas of physical, mental and psychological well-being to be prepared for the challenges that their demanding jobs present on a daily basis. NL Health Services is posting this Call for Innovation […]

Edge: SE Health Date de clôture: septembre 1, 2023

SE Health is looking to transition from a manual recreation planning process to a digital recreation planning process. The homecare provider is seeking a digital solution with a feature that enables the staff to create personalized recreational planning programs for its residents. With this solution, SE Health aims to improve efficiency in recreational planning, increase […]

Edge: Sciences de la santé Hamilton Date de clôture: août 11, 2023

Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) is seeking a solution to prevent Pressure Injuries (PIs) by detecting them early in the pediatric patient population at the McMaster Children’s Hospital (MCH) and adult population West Lincoln Memorial Hospital (WLMH). HHS is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Canadian companies who can meet the desired outcomes. […]

Edge: Bruyère Date de clôture: août 4, 2023

Bruyère’s long-term care (LTC) homes are seeking a solution to integrate ergonomic medication carts that can enhance the efficiency and safety of delivery of medications to residents resulting in improved resident care and a decline in staff injuries. Bruyère is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Canadian companies who can meet the […]

Edge: CASA Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health Date de clôture: janvier 24, 2023

CASA Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health (CASA) is seeking a digital incident management solution to improve the reporting and tracking of workplace and patient safety incidents. CASA is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Canadian companies who can meet the desired outcomes. CASA and CAN Health reserve the right to not […]

Edge: Vancouver Coastal Health Date de clôture: septembre 16, 2022

Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) is seeking a wearable biosensor solution to remotely monitor vital signs to assist in the reassessment of patients in the Emergency Department. VCH is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Canadian companies who can meet the desired outcomes. VCH and CAN Health Network reserve the right to not […]

Edge: Shannex Date de clôture: août 19, 2022

Shannex is looking for a robotic process automation (RPA) solution to make their employee onboarding process more efficient. Shannex is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Canadian companies who can meet the desired outcomes. Shannex and CAN Health Network reserve the right to not move forward with this project at their full […]

Edge: Bruyère Date de clôture: juin 15, 2022

Bruyère is seeking an innovative job posting platform to help fill vacant job postings by attracting qualified candidates who are actively searching for clinical positions. Bruyère is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Canadian companies who can meet the desired outcomes.  Bruyère and CAN Health Network reserve the right to not move forward […]

Edge: Vancouver Coastal Health Date de clôture: Décembre 8, 2021

Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) is seeking a solution to support the documentation and archiving of Point of Care Ultrasound (PoCUS) images for improved patient care and enhanced training of internal medicine residents. VCH is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Western Canadian companies who can meet the desired outcomes.  VCH and CAN Health […]

Edge: Eastern Health Date de clôture: octobre 25, 2021

Eastern Health is seeking a solution to address issues with product/solution availability, supply chain disruption and administrative burdens associated with procurement, through rapid prototyping, testing and manufacturing. Eastern Health is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Atlantic-based* companies who can meet the desired outcomes.  Eastern Health and CAN Health reserve the right to […]

Edge: St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton Date de clôture: août 30, 2021

St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton is seeking a technology solution that can be used to support a virtual physical rehabilitation program for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD), with the ability to expand to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patients in the future, to help improve patient’s quality of life, physical activity, and disease self-management while reducing the […]

Edge: Sciences de la santé Hamilton Date de clôture: juillet 7, 2021

Hamilton Health Sciences is in search of a locking solution for CVADs that decreases incidence of Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSI) for adult and paediatric oncology, surgical and critical care patients. Compared to the standard locking solutions (citrate, heparin and saline), this alternative should decrease the costly use of Alteplase for thrombotic occlusions. Hamilton […]

Réduction des émissions de CO2 dans l’administration d’anesthésie
Edge: Eastern Health Date de clôture: juillet 5, 2021

Eastern Health is seeking a technology solution that can remove CO2 from anesthetic circuits while maintaining the safe and reliable delivery of general anesthesia and reducing environmental impact.  Eastern Health is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Atlantic-based* companies who can meet the desired outcomes. Eastern Health and CAN Health reserves the right […]

Edge: SickKids Date de clôture: juillet 2, 2021

SickKids is seeking a solution to leverage and enhance its current machine learning surgical scheduling model to improve surgical efficiency and throughput through a graphic user interface (GUI).  SickKids is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Ontario* companies who can meet the desired outcomes.  SickKids and CAN Health reserves the right to not […]

Edge: Sunnybrook Date de clôture: juin 30, 2021

Sunnybrook is seeking a solution to improve both patient and provider experience for breast-conserving surgery localization.  The solution will address the potential for an alternative option to wired-guided localization (WGL) and radioactive seed localization (RSL) for preoperative localization of breast lesions in patients eligible for breast-conserving surgery. Sunnybrook is posting this Call for Innovation to […]

Edge: Hôpital Grand River Date de clôture: juin 22, 2021

Grand River Hospital (GRH) is seeking a solution of a learning platform to utilize as a tool for accreditation preparation for their staff, with the long-term goal of using the software widely throughout the institution as the primary learning tool. GRH is posting this Call for Innovation to seek out qualified Ontario* companies who can […]

Edge: Bruyère Research Institute Date de clôture: juin 4, 2021

Bruyère Research Institute (Bruyère) is seeking a solution to reduce the risk of patients and residents developing pressure ulcers (PUs), which are a significant health concern and a P1 priority for Ontario hospitals.  Please note this is a joint call between the CAN Health Network and the Centre for Aging + Brain Health Innovation (CABHI), […]

Edge: Trillium Health Partners (en anglais) Date de clôture: juin 8, 2021

Trillium Health Partners (THP) est à la recherche d’une solution pour améliorer l’efficacité de la production de rapports en réduisant le temps et les efforts nécessaires pour préremplir et modifier les rapports, tout en s’assurant que toutes les exigences en matière de production de rapports sont respectées.

Edge: Trillium Health Partners (en anglais) Date de clôture: juin 8, 2021

L’équipe Insight Health Solutions de Trillium Health Partners (THP) est à la recherche d’une solution permettant d’extraire et de visualiser des données opérationnelles cliniques en temps réel provenant de diverses sources afin d’améliorer la prise de décision opérationnelle clinique et les efforts de prévision.

Edge: Saint Elizabeth Health Care (SE Health) Date de clôture: mai 25, 2021

Saint Elizabeth Health Care (SE Health) cherche une solution pour relever le défi de la pénurie de main-d’œuvre découlant des goulots d’étranglement dans l’offre de talents, les processus de recrutement et de conversion du personnel, et les stratégies de rétention du personnel..

Edge: Saint Elizabeth Health Care (SE Health) Date de clôture: mai 25, 2021

Saint Elizabeth Health Care (SE Health) cherche une solution pour résoudre ses processus inefficaces et manuels de planification des horaires pour le personnel de première ligne des soins à domicile et communautaires.
